How to add a SSL certificate to a SonicWALL SSL-VPN
SSL: Create system backup first… !
SSL Solution:
- Open up the SSL-VPN web management interface.
- Under SYSTEM, click CERTIFICATES (here you can generate a CSR and import certifictes).
- On the Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) page, enter the details about your organization’s legal business name and location. Then enter the other following information:
- For Name: Enter an alias (aka friendly name).
- For Domain Name (FQDN): enter the name you are securing (what is typed in the web browser)
- For Key Length (bits): choose at least 2048
- For City enter SAINT LOUIS — not St. Louis
- For State type out Missouri — not MO
- Enter a password
- click Submit…
- Then if prompted if you want to save or open the file choose to save the file, then from the ZIP file extract the two files (server.csr and server.key). Rename server.csr to server.txt. Save the server.key file for later use.
- Order your SSL Certificate, and copy the contents of server.txt when prompted for your server’s CSR. I am using GoDaddy as the example. When it’s ready, download the certificate in the Apache format. You will receive two files, one with your cert and the other contains the Intermediate certificates.
- You’ll have to combine the two certs into one file. Open the Intermediate cert file in Notepad, and copy all text. Open your server cert file and paste in the copied text BENEATH what’s already there. Save it and make sure it’s named server.crt. Next, combine server.crt with the server.key file from step 3 into a flat ZIP file (flat meaning no subfolders), and then Import the zip file into the SSL-VPN in the location from step 1, and enter in the password you created in step 2. The device will restart (20 seconds) and then click the Default Certificte button to make it active. Test. Done.
Good Luck
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